Townhall Meeting a Tremendous Success

Thank you to all who participated in last night, our first ever Townhall meeting! It truly was a tremendous success! The crowd was amazing and far beyond what I had expected. We will continue this format, with the next meeting will be some time in May.

Don Hansen from the Huntington Beach City Council was on hand to present his position and perspective on the state of affairs. Don basically said that while the city has not been formally notified that the land is for sale, they are certainly prepared to excercise many potential options to help save and preserve this open space.

Based on the open discussion and advice from Mr. Hansen, it has become very clear that our goal as an organization must be this. We have to grow. We currently have over 1,000 members who have signed up through various petitions. We need to double if not even increase to 5,000 the total membership. What it comes down to is, the more people who join our effort to save this field, the better chance that it will come about. Nothing speaks louder that a large group of people united in a single-minded determination.

To that end, we have developed a new membership form which will be posted on the web site shortly. Please download and print out copies and pass them out. As you go about your daily business, talk to the people you know in the neighborhood to inform them of our unified cause. Ask them if they received the mailer from last week. If they did not, then they are not in the database. Have them fill out the info and send it in, our fax line is below.

This weekend, there will be a Picture Day for the Huntington Valley Little League. HVLL has given permission to set up a booth to sign up members for our effort. This same form will be used at that time.


If you have time to attend the booth and help out this Saturday, please contact myself. No matter how long you can attend, it will be worthwhile. Especially during the early and late busiest times of the day (while people are arriving and departing). My email and our organization hot line are posted below.

Your help is needed and appreciated!

Alan Gandall
Hot Line: 714-968-3023
Fax Line: 714-968-2611

Sun Tsu once wrote:
If he is taking his ease, give him no rest.

Posted: Tue - March 15, 2005 at 10:23 PM          
