Letter Writing CampaignWe need to contact our representative to let them
know what's going on. The is one of the most effective methods to control our
destiny. Here's an example
Here's a more generic letter you can print, sign and mail in: Here's the same document in plain text format so you can edit and add your sentiment: Please take a few moments to send in a letter. It really does make a difference! Alan Posted: Tue - January 25, 2005 at 11:57 PM |
Quick Links
Please click below to make a tax-deductible donation to SaveOurField.org: Mahalo!!Membership Sign Up Form for Save Our Field.org. JOIN TODAY! Join the letter writing campaign to stop the loss of our field. Here's a sample document to choose and a general one that you can just sign and mail in. Here's the same sample letter in plain text for use in any editor. Please take a moment to send a letter right away! Here's a link to our online petition. Please take a moment to sign! Huntington Beach City Council Board Member Contact Info Fountain Valley School District Board of Trustees Huntington Valley Little League Board Members Boys & Girls Club of Huntington Valley American Youth Soccer League Region 117 - Huntingon Beach Check out these great PodCast subscription tools that will work with both Macs and Windows: Site Counter
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Total entries in this category: Published On: Nov 23, 2005 11:08 PM |