Committee Meeting NotesSomehow, I knew this was coming. Now, more than
ever, we must focus on the The Board of Trustees Elected Officials and the
meeting on 2/10/05.
New points we learned tonight: They used the County of Orange treasurer to consult them in order to justify the sale of these properties. A non-profit or the city of Huntington Beach can buy the property at 25% of the assessed value (approx $6.25M). This may be our best approach at this point. Their need for money for the music department was main justification for continuing with the sale of these properties. They also decided that they must sell all, because no one site could be fairly relocated. Next steps: City of Huntington Beach City Council Zoning/Buying property. Surf City may be our only hope to prevent the loss of this park. We will have to stress to the city how important it is that the zoning not be changed. This will prevent any subsequent buyer from building any sort of structures, making the property that much less desirable. Please, focus all your efforts the meeting of February 10, 2005. Alan Posted: Fri - January 28, 2005 at 07:13 AM |
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