Childhood Obesity

This is an article written by Assemblyman Tom Harmon's wife Dianne Harmon (in his Harmon Report) regarding Childhood Obesity. This is, yet again, another excellent reason to retain as many parks as possible.

Here's an excerpt:

"There is an epidemic of overweight children in every corner of the State. In the 67th Assembly District, the District represented by my husband, Assemblyman Tom Harman, 22.4% of the children were overweight and 33.1% of the children did not meet acceptable fitness levels. As frightening as these figures are, the 67th Assembly District fared better than the rest of the state, whose numbers overall are 26.5% of the children being overweight and 39.6% of the children failing fitness standards"

Obes Kids pdf.pdf

Posted: Thu - January 20, 2005 at 10:41 PM          
